Summary of 'Good Ideas for Startups' from the lecture 'How to start a startup' in Stanford University.
<Good Ideas for Startups>
Startup = Idea x Product x Team x Execution x Luck (0~10000)
- You should only start a startup when you feel compelled by a particular problem, and that you think starting a startup is the best way to solve it. The specific passion should come first, and the startup second.
- Bad idea is still bad.
- There are exceptions of course, but most great companies start with a great idea, not a pivot.
- Airbnb happened because Brian Chesky couldn't pay his rent, but he did have some extra space.
- As you're thinking through ideas, another thing that we see young founders get wrong all the time, is that someday you need to build a business that's difficult to replicate.
- The idea should come fist, the startup should come second.
- Wait to start a startup, until you come up with an idea you feel compelled to explore.
- The best companies are almost always mission oriented.
- The company should feel like an important mission.
- If you don't love and believe what you're building, you're likely to give up at some point along the way.
- The best ideas often look terrible at the beginning.
- The 13th search engine without any features of web portal. Most people thought that was pointless, search was done. The 10th social network and only limited to college students with no money? Or a way to stay on stranger's couch? That just sounds terrible all around.
- The truly good ideas don't sound like they're worth stealing.
- Common mistakes among founders, especially first time founders, is they think that the first version of their product, the first version of their idea needs to sound very big. But it doesn't. It needs to takes over a small specific market and expand from there.
- One of the big advantages of these sort of market (small but will be bigger in ten years, small but rapidly growing markets) is that customers are usually pretty desperate for a solution.
- You cannot create a market that doesn't want to exist. You can basically change everything in a startup but the market. (!!!)
- Why now? why not before 2 years, and not after 2 years? Can you answer this question?
- Good ideas are very easy to explain and easy to understand. If it takes more than a sentence to explain where you're doing, it's almost always a sign that it is too complicated.
- Good idea should be a clearly articulated vision with a small number of words.
- Any company that's a clone of something else that already exists with some small or made up differentiator, that usually fails.
- Do not first think of what you want to express or make, think first of the public. You need to keep your focus on their changing needs and the trends. Beginning with their demand, you create the appropriate supply.
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