8월 18일
What's the name of the song playing?
Let me get your opinion on something.
Did we just become friends?
No, I'm good. Thanks.
Were you looking for this?
The gist is that what's easy right now is just what's most familiar to you.
You just mentioned your biological father who died in 2005.
I have a couple of memories from when I was younger, I remember very fondly which is quite special to me.
He is going to be whatever he wants to be.
She takes tranquilizers to help her get through this.
The thing that occurred to me watching the film is that your mother is so central and important to your life but he(Ronaldo's son) does not have that relationship with his mother.
This is not something I am really familiar with.
That's good to know.
He is constantly leaping into photos.
something little weird happened.
You are irritated that I am just being myself.
who did u eat w tonight?
ok i was gnna just ask for tht, you know the drill!
btw, bc,
can i have it to go? can i get it go to?
In the US we also say "we have a thing", like an in between kinda feeling (:
In the US, we say "talk". So like "We're just talking", "we're just hanging out" "seeing each other" or "I'm talking to this one guy/girl". I think that would be equivalent to "Some".